When errant people encounter inerrant scriptures

The Bible, old and New Testament is inerrant. But people are prone to errancy and this often colors the Biblical text with a brush born of culture and not of holiness.  Thus we see abominations made into virtues, sins transformed into sanctifications and fallen natures elevated to heavenly status. We, finding the word of the Lord to be difficult, find new ways to make it meaningful to what we desire out of life, namely personal happiness. But of course we have no idea what happiness means when we define it in egocentric terms, as what makes me happy. Indeed, that which makes us happy often is the cause of great pain and anxiety, not unlike the birth of a child or the growing old together with the one you love. Happiness, as a motivator has caused tremendous harm, from divorced parents neglecting their children to, to infidelity, abortion as a method of supreme self-realization and sexual transformations that objectify by making us no more than our sexuality, and then twists this new logic by asking that we re-term gender itself as a mere construct.

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